EBM8103B Programmable Bread Maker Machine 3 Loaf Sizes, 19 Menu Functions Gluten Free White Wheat Rye French and more

$747.66$1,917.08 (-61%)

30 in stock

United States
  • United States
SKU: 3256806825274018 Categories: , ,
Product Dimensions 9.45″D x 11.89″W x 13.98″H
Capacity 2 Pounds
Product Care Instructions Dishwasher Safe
120 Volts

About this item

  • MAKING FRESH ARTISAN BREADS right at home is now fool proof and automatic. The Elite Gourmet bread maker does the kneading, rising and baking for you
  • BAKE UP TO A 2-LB LOAF of bread. With 3 different settings for a 1-lb, 1.5-lb or 2-lb loaf of fresh bread. INCLUDES 19-PROGRAMMED PRESET MENU for a variety of different types of doughs from basic white bread to even pizza dough
  • INCLUDES 19-PROGRAMMED PRESET MENU for a variety of different types of doughs from basic white bread to even pizza dough.
  • 15-HOUR DELAY TIMER and a 60-minute Keep Warm function allows you to control your baking to the max
  • FREE UP THE OVEN and save on power. Reduce the heat in your kitchen and less washing of different cooking implements
  • TRUSTED BRAND – As a trusted brand for 40 years, Elite Gourmet has delivered high quality and stylish kitchen products that are affordable & user friendly. Call, email, or live chat with us, our US-based support team responds quickly to all inquiries.

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Additional information

Weight 30 kg
Dimensions 30 cm
Brand Name


Power (W)


Voltage (V)






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